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Monday, November 15, 2010

Fan News: Fear the Deer

If you live in or are from Milwaukee, then you probably are a Bucks fan...or if you like Brandon Jennings...but that's usually it.
But despite being cold, fans of late have coined the phrase "fear the deer."  Particualary last year when the Bucks nailed down some pretty impressive wins. (Because without a doubt, they are underdogs.)

Anywho...the NBA likes to capitalize on catchy things...even if they didn't create it...and market it and most importantly...MAKE MONEY!

Here's a report from Don Walker in the Journal Sentinel:

The NBA and the Milwaukee Bucks have taken notice, too. Late last season, the NBA, at the request of the Bucks, filed for trademark rights with the U.S. Patent Office. This is routine, according to Mike Bass, senior vice president for marketing and communications at the NBA. Other teams have made similar requests.

That application is pending, Bass said.

Fear the Deer
Having taken that step, Bass said no one can use the phrase for commercial purposes without the permission of the Bucks and the NBA. If they did, it would be infringing on trademark rights, he said.