Aminu, who was the 8th pick in the 2010 draft by the Clippers, had a great freshmen year at Wake Forest before signing an agent in April and entering the draft. In what I am hoping was some sort of publicity stunt, Aminu showed up to his first game as an NBA player sportin' his team colors in a "Dumb and Dumber-esque" get up (as seen below).

Even though he didn't have the top hat to match, needless to say, Al-Farouq got some attention of his own. Unfortunately for him it was mostly fashion police rather than reporters seeking out interviews.
With that being said, I ask you this... What's worse? This suit (that clearly is neither functional nor fashionable) or that Aminu didn't play a minute of this game? Probably this suit... Better luck next time rookie. For now, just focus on your game and let your playing doing the talking, not your outfits.
Marty O'Connor
NBA-FrontPage Los Angeles
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