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Friday, January 28, 2011

Lakers Wives: Vanessa Bryant vs Khloe Kardashian

There is basketball wife news out of LA and this doesn't have a reality TV show, yet! Yes Vanessa Bryant doesn't like Khloe Kardashian. Well the term she used was "Hates" Surprised? There have been reports that that will not sit anywhere near each other at games and that Vanessa shuts out Khloe from the tight knit group of teammate wives.

Vanessa considers Khole a "fake wife" and that Khole and the rest of the family are attention grabbing fame seekers. Well now Vanessa play nice we know you've been on top a long time in L.A. so don't you start pouting about being outshined. All you have to say is your husband is the best basketball player on the team. That should suffice.